Augite : Physical Properties of Minerals and Uses


What's Augite?

Augite is a gemstone- forming mineral that generally occurs in mafic and intermediate igneous jewels similar as basalt, gabbro, andesite, and diorite. It's plant in these jewels throughout the world, wherever they do. Augite is also plant in ultramafic jewels and in some metamorphic jewels that form under high temperatures.


Augite has a chemical composition of (Ca, Na) (Mg, Fe, Al) (Si, Al) 2O6 with numerous paths of solid result. Generally associated minerals include orthoclase, plagioclase, olivine, and hornblende.


Augite is the most common pyroxene mineral and a member of the clinopyroxene group. Some people use the  names"augite"and"pyroxene"interchangeably, but this operation is explosively discouraged. There are a large number of pyroxene minerals, numerous of which are distinctly different and easy to identify. Augite, diopside, jadeite, spodumene, and hypersthene are just a many of the distinctly different pyroxene minerals.



Physical Properties of  Augite

Augite is generally green, black, or brown in color with a translucent to opaque diaphaneity. It generally exhibits two distinct fractionalization directions that cross at slightly lower than 90 degrees. A hand lens is frequently demanded to duly observe the fractionalization, especially in fine-granulated jewels.



Light reflecting from fractionalization shells and clear faces of augite produces a vitreous luster, while light striking other shells produces a dull luster. Augite has a Mohs hardness of5.5 to 6. Its specific graveness of 3.2 to3.6 is advanced than utmost other minerals in the jewels in which it occurs.



Physical Properties of Augite

Chemical Classification

A single chain inosilicate


Dark green, black, brown


White to gray to very pale green. Augite is often brittle, breaking into splintery fragments on the streak plate. These can be observed with a hand lens. Rubbing the debris with a finger produces a gritty feel with a fine white powder beneath.


Vitreous on cleavage and crystal faces. Dull on other surfaces.


Usually translucent to opaque. Rarely transparent.


Prismatic in two directions that intersect at slightly less than 90 degrees.


5.5 to 6

Specific Gravity

3.2 to 3.6

Diagnostic Properties

Two cleavage directions intersecting at slightly less than 90 degrees. Green to black color. Specific gravity.

Chemical Composition

A complex silicate.

Crystal System



No significant commercial use.


Uses of Augite

Augite doesn't have any physical, optic, or chemical parcels that make it especially useful. It's thus one of the many minerals that has no marketable use. The calcium content of augite has been plant to be of limited use in studies of the temperature history of igneous jewels.


Extraterrestrial Augite

Augite is a mineral that has been plant beyond Earth. It's a common mineral of lunar basalts. It has also been linked in numerous gravestone meteorites. Some of these meteorites are allowed to be pieces of Mars or the Moon that were launched into space by large impact events.

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